
Hands in dirt
like a newborn taking its first breaths in
this is air
this is sun
this is water

Squishing my palms
into the earth, a worm
wriggles back into darkness
hello you beautiful living thing
you are alive, so am I

Do I like the sun
the air, the expanse of sky
the tiny green bird building its nest
above my head, my beating heart
do I like this life? do I like this?

My father kneels to scoop
out earthfuls of wet life
rebuilding the home of our
tiny japanese maple
this is life, this is death

I float in spacious uncertainty
like the atom the physicist cannot quite
pin down, caught between hate and love,
this great vastness of not knowing
where I am, who I am
what anything truly is

Fuck certainty

There is no right view
no noble path
nothing real or alive
outside of this moment

I wait with palms open
empty, freed from perception
fingers dirty with specks of earth
left behind from our rescue attempt of the
red maple’s home

What's next, life?

this is new
this is new
